Welcome to the AIA Home Design Trends Survey results for Q4 2024. This visual format is intended to help you quickly identify emerging trends in home design by using visual cues to scroll over and pull up charts and figures with findings for each quarter. As a reminder, each quarter the AIA Home Design Trends Survey highlights a different area of home trends and includes the same business conditions questions for tracking purposes.
Starting with the Q1 2019 report, we have renumbered the reports to reflect the quarter in which they are released. Going forward, the quarterly breakdowns are: Q1 addresses “Kitchen and Bath"; Q2 covers "Home and Property Design"; Q3 covers "Home Features”; and Q4 covers “Neighborhood and Community Design.” Reports prior to 2019 cover the following: Q1, "Home and Property Design"; Q2, "Home Features"; Q3, "Neighborhood and Community Design”; and Q4, “Kitchen and Bath.”